
Become an exhibitor


- 26.04.2025

Application to register as an exhibitor at the Maamess. The request does not guarantee the desired stand size and location at the exhibition.

Maamess project manager Margus Kikkul: margus@tartunaitused.ee, +372 504 2575.

Contact info


A co-exhibitor is a legal entity that exhibits its products and services on the exhibition space rented by the main exhibitor and whose data appears in the exhibitor register published in the fair catalog.

It is mandatory to choose at least one of fields  1 or 3  (minimum area size 3x3m in fields 1, 2 and 3).

1. indoor space without construction

Does not include walls, fascia board, carpet, spotlights, furniture, electricity. If needed you can choose either construction or place an additional order.
${i18n('sisepinna_hind')} 78 €/m² ${i18n('hind_alates')} 01.02.2025 ${interior_price_w_addon} €/m²

2. construction of ready-made stand

DOES NOT INCLUDE RENT OF EXHIBITION AREA! Includes walls, fascia board, carpet, spotlights (1 pcs/4 m2) and power socket 16A/220V.
${i18n('stendiehituse_hind')} 38 €/m²

3. outdoor exhibition area

29m² = ${outoor_price_1_w_addon} €/m² 30-49m² = ${outoor_price_2_w_addon} €/m² 50-99m² = ${outoor_price_3_w_addon} €/m² 100-199m² = ${outoor_price_4_w_addon} €/m² 200-1000m² = ${outoor_price_5_w_addon} €/m²

4. advertising outside of the exhibit space

Promotional posters and flags exhibiting outside the exhibition area.
${i18n('reklaamipinna_hind')} 90 €/m²

5. additional orders

If you can't find necessary item from the list, please contact organisers team. The price is valid for all exhibition days.

cost of maamess 2025 exhibition area

${i18n('eksponendi_osalustasu')} (eur)


${i18n('kaaseksponendi_tasu')} (eur)


${i18n('summa_ilma_km')} (eur)


${i18n('km')} 22%



${getFullPrice} €

E: info@tartunaitused.ee
T: (+372) 742 1793
A: Friedrich Reinhold Kreutzwaldi 60, Tartu, Estonia



